Commercial Service



Cabinet Painting

Building Exterior Cleaning

Orellana Master's Touch offers expert commercial building exterior cleaning services designed to enhance the appearance and longevity of your property. Our professional team utilizes advanced pressure washing techniques and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to effectively remove dirt, grime, algae, and any unsightly stains from all types of building materials, including brick, stucco, and metal. We understand that first impressions matter, and a clean exterior reflects positively on your business. With our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to safety, we ensure that your commercial space not only meets aesthetic standards but also maintains a welcoming environment for your clients and employees. Trust Orellana Master's Touch to keep your building looking its best while protecting your investment for years to come.
Building Exterior Cleaning

Drive-Thru's & Dumpster Pads

At Orellana Master's Touch, we provide specialized cleaning services for commercial drive-thrus and dumpster pads, ensuring that your business maintains a clean and professional image. Our skilled team utilizes high-powered pressure washing and eco-friendly cleaning agents to effectively remove grease, grime, and food debris from drive-thru areas, enhancing both safety and customer experience. For dumpster pads, we tackle stubborn stains and odors, ensuring the area remains hygienic and visually appealing. Understanding the importance of cleanliness in food service and retail environments, we deliver thorough and efficient cleaning tailored to your specific needs. With Orellana Master's Touch, you can count on a pristine exterior that enhances your brand and fosters a welcoming atmosphere for your customers.
Drive-Thru's & Dumpster Pads

Gas Stations & Car Washes

Orellana Master's Touch specializes in comprehensive cleaning services for commercial gas stations and car washes, ensuring that your facilities present a clean, inviting image while adhering to safety standards. Our trained professionals use state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment and eco-friendly detergents to effectively remove oil spills, grime, and contaminants from pumps, forecourts, and wash bays. We understand that maintaining a spotless environment not only enhances customer satisfaction but also promotes safety and compliance with health regulations. Whether it’s brightening your gas station’s exterior or ensuring your car wash facilities shine, Orellana Master's Touch is dedicated to delivering exceptional results that enhance your business's reputation and attractiveness, ensuring a welcoming experience for every customer.
Gas Stations & Car Washes


At Orellana Master's Touch, we offer expert commercial painting services tailored specifically for schools, helping to create vibrant, welcoming learning environments that inspire students and staff alike. Our experienced team understands the unique requirements of educational institutions, utilizing high-quality, durable paints that withstand heavy use while also being safe and environmentally friendly. We work closely with school administrators to ensure minimal disruption during the painting process, adhering to schedules that fit within academic calendars. From classrooms and hallways to gymnasiums and cafeterias, we deliver flawless finishes and attention to detail that enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your school facilities. Trust Orellana Master's Touch to refresh your school's appearance and contribute to a positive educational atmosphere.


Orellana Master's Touch specializes in professional graffiti removal and commercial painting services, dedicated to restoring and revitalizing your property’s appearance. Our skilled team employs advanced techniques and high-quality paints to effectively cover graffiti, ensuring a seamless finish that blends perfectly with the surrounding surfaces. We understand the negative impact that graffiti can have on your business image, which is why we respond quickly and efficiently to restore your space. Whether it's a storefront, warehouse, or public building, we work diligently to not only eliminate unsightly markings but also to enhance the overall aesthetic of your property. Trust Orellana Master's Touch to protect your investment and maintain a clean, professional look that attracts customers and upholds your brand's reputation.

Gum and Rust Removal

At Orellana Master's Touch, we offer comprehensive commercial gum and rust removal services, providing a cost-effective solution for restoring your property's appearance and maintaining a safe, inviting environment. Our trained technicians employ specialized equipment and eco-friendly cleaning agents to effectively remove stubborn gum and rust stains from various surfaces, including asphalt, concrete, and metal. From busy shopping centers to industrial complexes, our prompt and professional services are designed to minimize disruptions while ensuring a complete removal of these unsightly substances, leaving your property looking like new. We understand the importance of a well-maintained exterior, which is why we guarantee a thorough cleaning and lasting solution that saves you time and money in the long run. Trust Orellana Master's Touch to revitalize your property and create a positive impression for customers and tenants alike.
Gum and Rust Removal